Vipassana is one of India’s most antiquated strategies of meditation. This technique focuses on the total annihilation of mental grim and the resultant bliss of full freedom with the code of discipline. Buddha he who discovered edification with the help of this very method raised it. It’s miles from this notion-based, self-exploratory manner to the primary root of thoughts and frame that disintegrates mental S. N. Goenka was a Burmese-Indian instructor who got the message out from 1969 on as a Vipassana educator.

Vipassana is a method of self-change through self-perception. It aims around the deep interconnection between mind and body, which can be experienced by trained regard for the physical impressions that structure the life of the body, and that consistently interconnect and condition the life of the brain. It is this perception-based, self-exploratory way to the basic root of mind and body that disintegrates mental grim, bringing besides my Vipassana experience confirms this.

Vipassana meditation is the anchor of my life. It was in 2013 that I first came across the technique of “Vipassana” and undertook a course in Igatpuri. The course was for 10 days. Let me briefly provide a picture of what I was before 2013. I had an annihilated will-power and a lack of confidence in myself that kept me in indecision, affecting the work and studies. I used to be pugnacious and irritated by small things. This was leading to chronic illness, adding to my debility. During the course, I knew that this was what I had been looking for. Cleansing was so deep and thorough that I could easily keep up my daily sittings in the morning and evening even after the camp. The change that I felt was wholesome. It helps me to be in a systematic lifestyle.

In my present picture, as perceived by me, Vipassana has helped me to stay calm, focus, and tolerant. It rediscovers me and leads my life unrivaled. I always start my day with an hour-long session of Vipassana. It has enhanced the ability to cope with stress; I have taken this with minimal stress. One manifestation of this is greater courage in facing negativity. Vipassana opens my mind, makes it receptive. I am full of positivity. I discovered some alleviation from torment identified with spinal pains, migraines, corrosiveness, and other actual afflictions. It taught me to be introspective and look for solutions within myself rather than outside. Vipassana helps to develop a healthy mind.

Meditation has helped me to remain grounded. Vipassana showed me not to be frightened of things. “Nothing is lasting throughout everyday life”. So, this attitude sort of keeps me rooted.
“There is only one place to find real peace, real harmony. That place is within.”–S. N. Goenka.